A Prayer For This Fallen World

A Prayer For This Fallen WorldHey God,

As you know, this world is struggling so immensely. My heart is burdened by the evil that is running rampant in this fallen world. Today I want to bow my head and lift my hands to ask for your supplication and healing hand in these hard times.

God, I turn on the TV and see hateful messages from politicians who are blinded by money and political agendas. Lord, they must not know the impact their words have, for if they did they would see broken hearts and saddened souls; they would see the people they are alienating and they would hang their heads in shame. Give them your eyes to see the true power that their negative and horrific words have. We need leaders who uphold Christ-like values and that love their people instead of trying to oppress them. I pray this verse over them written by Paul in Ephesians:

“Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.” Ephesians 4:29

I see the war and strife being caused in Syria and many other places. Lord, I pray that your Will is done in these countries. I do not pray that these criminals will die, but instead that they will come to know your son, Jesus. The power they hold is being used for evil now, but I pray that Your Truth will be spoken to them and they will use this power for good. I pray that these murderers and evil-doers will turn from their sin and be released from Satan’s grasp. I also pray for the victims of this war. I pray that all would be done to help them flee from this and that homes would be opened and food and clean water would be available. Father, please see your hurting children and give them peace in their hearts. Though they weep now, your Kingdom holds no evil or pain. Please reveal your power to them so that they will not be filled with confusion and hate about your plan, but instead be comforted by your Spirit. I pray for those whose hearts are closed to those that are different than them. Open their hearts, oh God, and allow them to love your people as much as you love them. Hear this verse today:

“Give justice to the poor and the orphan;
    uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute.
 Rescue the poor and helpless;
    deliver them from the grasp of evil people.” Psalm 82:3-4

I pray for the poor, for those who do not have a home and do not know where their next meal will be coming from. All over the world, there are people sleeping on the streets struggling with starvation, disease, and other things that You know about. I pray that you would place your righteous hand upon them and deliver them from their strife. I pray that people would come into their lives to show them the light of your Word and the life that You have prepared for them. Lord, please will them to work and to get help and to reach out to those around them for love and community. Shine your face down upon them and bless them with the Holy Spirit. You are all we need and there is no other thing that can satisfy our desires and hunger. God, I know this verse in Matthew is true. Help the world to hear it and know its truth.

God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him,
    for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.” Matthew 5:3

I also pray against the ignorance of those more fortunate than others. I see the great wealth in my country and I hang my head in shame about the materialism that fills so many people’s hearts. For fellow believers, with great wealth comes great responsibility for Your Kingdom. I pray that You would burden the hearts of those who are able to give more to benefit your children. Lord, even if this just means lending our time, service, and support, let us be willing to give with a glad heart all that we are able. I pray that this verse will convict our hearts.

“But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him?” 1 John 3:17

Lastly, today I pray for those who do not know You. You are a God of mercy, compassion, forgiveness, and grace. I pray that those who are drowning in darkness without you will come to know your endless powers. Enable those who already know You to spread your Word without fear of persecution or judgement. God, showing your glory is our purpose here on earth. Our lives are not a popularity contest and I would rather be persecuted while walking in your light than to be beloved by this fallen world. Help us today, Dad, to step away from our comforts and publicly praise your name in order to grow your Kingdom. I want to live out this verse in my daily life with your help.

“Declare His glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the people.” Psalm 96:3

God, I am so thankful for the blessings you bestow on your children daily. You are a great and powerful Father and I would be lost without You. Today I lift these requests up to you and I pray that you would empower your people to further your glorious works in this world. I pray that the people of this world would put down their swords and pick up Your Word. I pray that an overwhelming wave of love would wash over this earth even in a time of sorrow and darkness. You are a good God and I praise you each day forevermore.


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