Just Sit Here and Be With Me

Just Sit Here and Be With MeJenn Johnson (from Bethel Music) has a song called “A Little Longer.” The first time I heard it, I had just been talking with God about what to do next.

“What are my next steps?”

“What lists should I make?”

“How much time do you want me to be in worship?”

“Have I been praying enough?”

Question after question wondering if I was doing enough, if I was pleasing God enough. And then I turned on my Spotify and this song came pouring out of my speakers. Continue reading

What If We Believed We Are Beautiful?

We live in a world that tells us we aren’t good enough.

We live in a world that conditions us to think that the proper response to a compliment is to devalue ourselves and disagree.

We live in a world that tells you that you’re conceited if you say anything good about yourself.

We live in a world that then turns around and complains about the negativity, eating disorders, depression, and anxiety.

We live in a world that puts us down and then asks why we feel defeated.

Well, what would happen if we allowed ourselves to recognize our goodness? Continue reading

Self-Diagnosed With Missionary’s Guilt

Self-Diagnosed With Missionary's Guilt

Going into my first international mission trip, I had a lot of misconceptions about the impact I would have on the trip. I had this picture in my head that we would arrive in this sad, impoverished village and be like a super hero for these oppressed children. Boy, was I wrong.

The moment I stepped off the bus, screaming, excited, joyous kids flooded our team; it was like a sea of smiles. Every hole that had been left in my heart that summer was immediately filled by God using the love that these kids emulated to me. They didn’t even know me, yet they wanted to give me the little that they had. I was completely astonished to say the least. I ended up needing them so much more than they needed me. How could people with nothing, be so grateful and elated? People in America sulk and pout and throw fits about not having the latest iPhone, when they already have everything they could possibly dream of.

Over the course of this trip, as well as the next, I wrestled with many questions. How is it possible that people who have everything can so easily take things for granted? Why has God blessed my life so immensely with everything I had ever wanted when there are people who have absolutely nothing? Continue reading

His Joy Awaits You, Too

His Joy  Awaits You, Too

I wrestled a lot with what to name this blog, what it should be about, and if I should even make one. In the end I finally decided that it is a good way to organize and share my thoughts in a way that will hopefully glorify His name. The overarching theme will be “awaiting on the Lord’s joy.”

By this, I mean our eternal joy that is waiting for us in Paradise with our Father. What an exciting thought!

What do I mean by heavenly treasures? In Matthew chapter 6 Jesus said, “Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store you treasures in heaven where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.” This means that if we invest our lives in material treasures and wealth, they will VERY quickly fade away or be taken from us and we will desire them more than our Heavenly Father. However, if we invest our lives in God and helping others come to Jesus and accept the cross, this will never fade! The riches that the Lord has prepared for us are IMMENSE and WONDERFUL and ETERNAL. They are untouchable by earthly things and unable to be destroyed. Continue reading